
If the refund is claimed for any item of your order, and at the same time your order doesn't include any promotions or discounts, you will receive a full refund for the item. But if the order includes promotions or discounts, the item will be refunded proportionally instead of full price. For example, if the original price of an item of your order is $10, and the grand total of your order is $18 after a $2 off discount, so you will receive a $9 refund after canceling this item.

All returns must be made within 14 days after the product delivery date. All returned products must be unused (e.g., not worn, washed, damaged, or altered) and returned in accordance with the instructions received from contacting customer service as per the Site. You are solely responsible for the cost of shipping the returned product. All products not returned in accordance with the Return Procedures shall be sent back to you, and no credit or refund will be issued.