Discover for Getting your baby to sleep through the night

Discover for Getting your baby to sleep through the night

Getting your baby to sleep through the night

Getting your baby to sleep through the night: it’s the milestone all parents of infants long for.

It’s understandable that new parents are often overwhelmed with the idea of getting a full night’s sleep. Even though it can be difficult, achieving a full night of sleep can be very important to both parents and their babies.

It turns out that this idea is not exactly true. According to a study, if a baby doesn’t wake up after 6 months or 12 months of age, it’s perfectly normal.

It’s always good news to hear that your baby is normal — but for some parents, it may understandably feel like bad news that a full night of sleep is further out on the horizon than they had hoped.

Researchers from Canada studied 388 infants at 6 months and 369 infants at 12 months. They found at 6 months, 38% of babies couldn’t get enough sleep, and at 12 months, 43% didn’t sleep at all.

It’s not actually a problem at all

Getting your baby to sleep through the night

Although it can make a parent feel irritable, researchers found no link between getting your baby to sleep and the mood of the mothers. They also noted that babies didn’t seem to lag behind their parents’ sounds when they learned language and cognitive skills..

They also found that babies who had a hard time sleeping were more likely to be breastfed. This is because breast milk is easier to digest and is less prone to causing babies to get hungrier.

For some parents, getting their babies to sleep is a struggle. This is where sleep training comes in. There are certainly various solutions that can help teach babies to sleep longer and more independently. you may find the answer in the post-What should I do if the baby wakes up early?. Many of them, though, involves letting the baby cry for a while — and while studies have shown that this doesn’t harm babies, it can be hard and stressful for many parents.

What this study shows is that if your baby is waking during the night and you’re doing okay with it, you don’t need to do anything. With time, it will get better. While those first few months of life can feel like an eternity, they aren’t. Before you know it you will be up at night for an entirely different reason: waiting for them to get home from a night out with friends. And when that does happen, those days of waking up with them as babies won’t seem so bad at all.

PS: What are your tips or experiences for getting your baby to sleep?  Share your thoughts below! And you can also come here to see if there are anything suitable jumpsuit and romper for your little angel!

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